F91の3Dデータに、クルマがあったらとりあえず塗る? 赤白チームのサンプルをペタリ。大体こんな感じのバランスになるはず

The “red and white team” coloring that we would want to paint if we had a car is applied to the 3D data of “F91”. It should be roughly balanced like this.
F91の3Dデータに、クルマがあったらとりあえず塗る? 赤白チームのサンプルをペタリ。大体こんな感じのバランスになるはず
The “red and white team” coloring that we would want to paint if we had a car is applied to the 3D data of “F91”. It should be roughly balanced like this.